
Want to check your progress? View your grades online or use the GPA计算器 to estimate your grades.


For additional information about our grading system, refer to our grading system board policies.


在所有教师提交所有成绩并完成成绩处理后,最终成绩将在网上公布. 成绩一般在期末考试最后日期后三个工作日在线公布. This date is published in the academic calendar for each term. Your final grades will be not mailed. You may view them online by logging in to My赌钱app可以微信提现选择 MyRecords 选项卡 then click on the 成绩 & Unofficial Transcript icon.


Refer to 学术地位 board policy for details.


使用 GPA计算器 to estimate your semester GPA.

  • 输入每门课程的学时数和字母分数,计算器将自动确定每门课程的学分分数.
  • After you have entered all of the credit hours and grades for each course, hit the “compute” button to see what your estimated semester GPA will be.
  • Only enter letter grades of A, B, C, D or F in the calculator. 成绩 of “P” for “passing,“I”代表“不完整”,” or “W” for “withdrawn” are not included in your GPA calculation, so do not enter those courses into the calculator.
  • When you hit the compute button, 如果你的GPA为“NaN”,这意味着你输入的成绩值是无效的.
  • 使用“重置”按钮删除任何输入无效成绩值的课程,并重新尝试计算.

When you select the GPA计算器 link, 您将退出赌钱app可以微信提现网站,进入瓦伦西亚社区学院网站. GPA计算器由瓦伦西亚社区学院的Jeff Danser提供.


Students may choose a pass/fail grading option for one course per semester. This allows a passing grade in the course (A, B, C, 或D) to be recorded as a Pass "P" grade and will not affect the student's GPA. 然而,不及格的成绩(F)将被记录为“F”,并将对GPA产生负面影响.

一些学校, 奖学金委员会和荣誉学会不接受这种评分制度,并可能选择将“P”级转换为P级或不接受课程作业. 此外,一些学位和先决条件要求某些课程的成绩达到“C”或更高. A "P" grade may not meet these requirements.

If you are considering the pass/fail option, 与咨询师预约,讨论这个选择是否适合你. Counselor approval is required on the Optional Pass/Fail Grade Request form. Once the form is submitted, 课程成绩将被记录为“P”或“F”在你的官方成绩单上,不能改回常规成绩(a), B, C, 或D).



If you repeat a class at 赌钱app可以微信提现, 只有最近的成绩才会被用来计算你的累积平均成绩(GPA)。. Both grades will remain on the transcript, but the previous grade will not be calculated into the cumulative GPA.

If you are receiving financial aid, 你应该向财政援助办公室核实,重复课程不会影响你的资格状态.

  • 最近的成绩将有一个“I”指标,其中包括累积GPA中的成绩.
  • 未经辅导员同意,学生不得第三次选修任何课程.
  • Students cannot use advanced standing credit to repeat a class.
  • A "W" grade will not be changed or removed from the transcript.

此重复课程计算政策仅适用于赌钱app可以微信提现成绩单. If you intend to transfer to another institution, 你转学的学校可能有不同的政策来计算你转学的重复课程. 你应该与你计划就读的学校的注册办公室核实一下,看看你的重复课程在你的新学校是如何计算的.

在1995年春季之前,“R”取代了学生成绩单上较早的成绩. 从1995年春天开始, “R”成绩不再使用,原始成绩仍保留在成绩单上,并以“E”(重复指示)作特别标记。, which excludes the grade from the cumulative GPA.


经历过严重情况导致无法按时完成课程的学生可以向教授申请“I”(未完成)成绩. In order to be considered, 学生必须完成课程的重要部分,并在申请时取得及格成绩. 在某些课程中, 由于课程材料或教学方法的性质,不能给出不完整的分数. 不完整的成绩只有在特殊情况下才会被授予,并严格由教授自行决定.

不完整的成绩合同必须由学生和教授签署,并提交教务处审批. 一旦课程显然不能按时完成,就必须建立这项协议. 一旦提交了课程的最终成绩,就不能给出不完整的成绩.

所有课程要求必须在教授在未完成的成绩合同上规定的截止日期之前完成. 这个日期不能迟于将“I”等级转换为最终等级的截止日期,如下所示. 截止日期前未转换为最终成绩的不完整成绩将自动更改为“F”。.

Grade Change Deadlines for Previously Assigned “I” 成绩

  • 5月1日:教授向档案办公室提交上个秋季学期不完整成绩的最后期限
  • 12月1日:教授向记录办公室提交前一个春季或夏季学期不完整的成绩更改的截止日期

During the semester that a student is completing the "I" contract, the student cannot re-enroll in the class, 该学生也不以上学期的“I”成绩为基础被视为当前在校生.

Students may not withdraw from a course in which an "I" has been assigned. Incomplete grades may also affect financial aid eligibility. Contact the financial aid office if you have questions.


Student Grade Review Petition form (PDF) 必须在学院向学生发布最终学分课程成绩的四十五(45)个日历日内提交给该课程所在部门的院长吗. Refer to our grade review and appeal policy for a complete description.

赌钱app可以微信提现学生成绩审查申请表提交给课程所在部门的院长. Academic Affairs provides a list of the divisions, the name of the dean and the departments under each division.


如果你注册并完成至少6个学分,并且平均绩点达到3分.在任何学期,你的名字都会出现在兼职荣誉名单上. If you enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and earn a GPA of 3.50 to 3.99, your name will appear on the Dean's List. If you enroll in and complete a minimum of 12 credit hours and earn a GPA of 4.00, your name will appear on the President's List.